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AHMADI Research Overview

Welcome to the Accelerating Hybrid Materials by Automated Discovery Innovation (AHMADI) Laboratory for Future Energy Materials

Embark on a journey through innovation and exploration at the forefront of energy solutions. At AHMADI’s Lab, we harness the power of automated synthesis to revolutionize the way we approach the world’s energy challenges.

Green energy is the beacon guiding our research. Having a focus on sustainable solutions, our commitment is deeply rooted in advancing the frontier of renewable energy materials. We endeavor to pioneer transformative materials capable of driving the transition towards a cleaner, more sustainable energy landscape. Through our dedicated efforts, we aspire to redefine the limits of what’s possible in the pursuit of environmentally friendly and efficient energy solutions.

Committed to pioneering research in the realm of future energy materials, we focus on leveraging the potential of cutting-edge automated synthesis to unlock transformative solutions for the global energy landscape. Our team is dedicated to accelerating the discovery, understanding, and optimization of materials crucial for addressing the energy needs of our planet. By uniting expertise in machine learning-driven high-throughput experiments with a deep understanding of materials science, we aim to drive impactful advancements in the field of optoelectronics.

🔬 Laboratory Focus Areas 🔬

Explore the breakthrough research topics at our lab:

Utilizing Machine Learning-Driven Automated Experiments:

  • Accelerating the discovery and optimization of hybrid perovskites
  • Enhancing understanding of formation kinetics for scalable optoelectronics

High-Throughput Robotic Systems for Synthesis:

  • Revolutionizing ligand-assisted reprecipitation (LARP) methods
  • Constructing detailed chemical maps for tailoring perovskite nanocrystals’ functionalities

Optimal Precursor Stoichiometry for Functional 2D Perovskite Phases:

  • Designing high-performance optoelectronics through automated synthesis

Co-Navigation of Theory and Experiment Spaces:

  • Accelerating hybrid perovskite discovery and design

Discover how our high-throughput automated experimental workflows lead to accelerated discoveries and processing optimizations in multifunctional materials.

🌐 Join us in paving the way for scalable optoelectronic manufacturing processes. 🌐

We are especially thankful for the financial support that was dedicated to Ahmadi-lab’s research endeavors from the National Science Foundation, Department of Homeland Security, and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.